Strongest Mom

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Do you want to lose fat?

Trying to lose fat can be a struggle, a beat down or down right deflating!  Most people have difficulty finding a fitness routine that keeps them motivated AND helps them lose fat.  Without results, people are more likely to quit.  Before you give up on your fitness routine, say these words out loud, “Commit, don’t quit!” and use these 4 steps to stay committed to fitness and lose fat along the way.

4 steps to lose fat and stay committed to fitness:

1. Be Realistic

The majority of people exercise to lose fat.  Do you know that in order to lose one pound of fat, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume?  Your metabolic rate is the rate in which your body burns calories.  Exercise helps increase your metabolic rate.  If you consume less, and exercise regularly, you should lose fat.  The American Council of Exercise recommends healthy weight loss at 1 to 2 pounds per week (or a deficit of 3,500 to 7,000 calories).  Ready to set a realistic fat loss goal?  Calculate your caloric input, output and metabolic rate, and then you can set a realistic goal!

What is my realistic goal?  I want to lose 3-pounds in 28-days.

How am I going to do it?  It begins with proper nutrition.  I am going to take my IDLife vitamins and do the 28-Day Challenge!  If you want to learn more about the challenge, start by taking your free health assessment at or email Sarah @  


2. Have A Specific Goal

When you have a specific goal, you have direction, are focused and more likely to succeed.  I recommend your goal should be directly related to 1.) A specific level of exercise intensity (75-85% maximum heart rate), 2.) Frequency of workouts (minimum 3x/week) or 3.) Achieving a fitness tracker goal (steps per day).  When you track your results, you will see progress, stay motivated to fitness, and lose fat.

What is my specific goal?  I want to reach 15,000+ steps/day at least 5 days/week.

How am I going to do it?  I need to get moving for at least 7 ½ miles every day!


3. Exercise For A Season

Pick a season and start exercising.  It is easier to stay on track when you know what you're training for, and you will be less likely to let excuses keep you from crossing the finish line.  Then, when that season is over, start a new season of training.  Soon, you will find yourself in a constant season of fitness while continuing to lose body fat.

What is my season?  Over the next 28-days, I want to complete 24-workouts.

How am I going to do it?  I am going to do 12-Strongest Mom Boot Camp workouts and 12-individual workouts.  Register today and join me on September 12th!


4. Be Active For A Lifetime

Is it possible to think about being active for a lifetime?  Yes!  When you take the IM off of ‘impossible’ and the UN off of ‘unable’, it yields ‘possible’ and ‘able’.  Isn’t that the mindset you want when it comes to being active for a lifetime?  I do!

How can I be active for a lifetime?  Remind myself that I want to be active so that I can be a role model for my children and be healthy for my family! 

How am I going to do it?  One step at a time…



When you are realistic, have a specific goal, exercise for a season and are active, you are more likely to lose fat and stay committed to fitness.  Together, let’s challenge one another to reach our goals, say goodbye to body fat and hello to healthy living!  


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